The next big thing in artificial intelligence … for farming!

The next big thing in artificial intelligence … for farming!

  • Kristina S
A few days ago, I discovered an article announcing AI for Earth. You can imagine my excitement! In the title, I read, "Announcing AI for Earth: Microsoft’s new program to put AI to work for the future of our planet.” Skimming through the article, I learned that an AI event in London announced a new program called AI for Earth, aimed at putting the power of artificial intelligence towards solving some of the biggest environmental challenges of our time. Immediately I thought of at least three problems that could be improved by using technology.
      • Pest control
      • Weather forecasting
      • Resources (water, soil) management


AI for Earth is a $50 million commitment by Microsoft to sustainability and innovation towards a healthier and better future.

The focus will be to help solve important issues related to:

      • Water
      • Agriculture
      • Biodiversity and
      • Climate change 


The program has been designed based on three pillars:

      • Access
      • Education and
      • Innovation


On innovation, they already have three projects underway – one enabling land cover mapping to aid precision conservation; another that will enable smart agriculture through sensors, drones, data and broadband connectivity; and third initiative that will test the viability of using smart mosquito traps to remotely track and monitor species health.

I know it sounds a bit too technical and complicated but the bottom line is that in the near future we will be able to better allocate our resources, time and money directly on crops that will ripe the best harvest.

AI can accelerate our ability to observe environmental systems and how they are changing at a global scale, convert the data into useful information and apply that information to take concrete steps to better manage our natural resources.

Currently the program is available in 10 countries and hopefully, we shall see more countries being included in the list. I dream of seeing Honduras on this list!!

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What do you think? Is there any place you would like AI to be used to help improve our current food supply?