The world is changing around us at a rapid pace and we want to embrace that change in a positive and constructive way. For this reason, buying Don Maslow Coffee will affect the world in these four ways.
1. A response to Climate Change.Most scientists agree that climate change is driven by human made factors and is already impacting the environment. Major consumer demands have incentivised coffee producers to farm intensively to increase yields and meet that demand, very often at the severe cost of local bio-diversity, due to deforestation and destruction of wildlife habitats.
Don Maslow Coffee is grown using an environmentally friendly method called ‘Integrated Open Canopy’ (IOC), which is a technology developed by the Mesoamerican Development Institute, an NGO based from the University of Massachusetts Lowell in Boston USA. The IOC method is a way of growing coffee that instead of clearing woodland to make way for the farm, includes the forest habitat as part of the coffee farm. IOC coffee production has been proven to increase coffee yields while supporting the forest habitat and its biodiversity.
Simply put, buying Don Maslow Coffee is a way to promote planet saving initiatives with benefits for everyone to enjoy.
2. A contribution to Sustainable DevelopmentDon Maslow Coffee uses PURE Labels for our labels and our packaging is made by Elevate Packaging. Elevate Packaging is a pioneer and leader in sustainable packaging and invests in research and development to lead the industry in bringing sustainable packaging to the next level.
Every individual component, including the films, valves, and zipper of the bag has been tested and also certified according to ASTM D6400, ASTM D6868 and EN13432 according to Vincotte OK Compost. The bags have been engineered and tested with leading roasters cupping tests to prove that they perform on par to conventional high-barrier metalized film pouches.
In accordance with the Green Guide law of California (Use of Environmental Marketing Claims) please note that the ASTM D6400 standard states that the packaging is not suitable for
home composting. The packaging is certified to use the 'OK Compost Home' mark for home compostable products.
Elevate Packaging’s commitment to this mission means that we are able to provide our customers with top quality coffee packaged in fully compostable pouches.
3. Empowering the bedrock of society, Women, Small Business and Start-UpsEmpowering society to meet its needs is at the heart of Don Maslow Coffee, which was named for Abraham Maslow, the pioneer of the famous ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ pyramid.
We took the active decision to partner with organisations looking to promote empowerment of women and young business. Every stage of our supply chain from coffee grower to our warehousing and fulfilment centre meets this aspiration. By name, our partners are:
Don Maslow Coffee accepts Bitcoin as a form of payment for its products. We took the decision to accept cryptocurrency as our commitment to having a long-term stake in how goods and services are transacted in the future.
Blockchain technology is being adopted across the world at an exponential rate and the many applications of this new technology is still a long way from being clear to us. However, as early adopters of this technology, we hope that we will be well placed to help our customers transact with us in a fast and secure way, to reap all the benefits that cryptocurrency may bring us.